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Column in documentMandatory / OptionalColumn headerRequired dataExample notationAdditional information
AMandatorySKUStock Keeping Unit (SKU) to identify a product. Selling-parties can use SKU numbers in their ERP-system to identify products. This is most often the unique number your customers are using on their purchase orders. The SKU you provide must be unique for you as a Seller. Duplicate SKU records will be ignored or lead to import failure.

BMandatoryMFPNManufacturer Part Number. The original part number provided by the manufacturer of a product. The part number you provide should be the original Manufacturer Part Number without any changes or additions. The Manufacturer Part Number you provide must be unique and should have at least 4 positions.

CMandatoryShort DescriptionShort Description of the product, max. 35 characters.

DMandatoryLong DescriptionLong Description of the product, max. 255 characters.

EMandatoryBrandBrand name assigned to the product by the Manufacturer of the product

FMandatoryClassificationProduct group name or a classification code

GMandatoryVATVAT = Tax Level of the Product High, Low, Null or the percentage in numeric values.
HOptionalProduct EAN (GTIN)EAN Product Number (GTIN) 8, 12, 13 or 14 numeric

IOptionalSerial KeepingProduct Serial Numbers will be Scanned Yes/NoYes/No
JOptionalRecommended sales priceRecommended price i.e. Gross Price. The decimal separator is detected automatically.

KOptionalURLSecure URL to Product and/or Picture on Website (HTTPS)

LMandatoryBuyer (GLN)

Global Location Number (GLN) of the buyer. In this case the Dustin entity to which you are going to make your product data available.

Dustin EntityGLN Number
Dustin Netherlands8719333012964
Dustin Finland6429830083719
Dustin Norway7080003540188
Dustin Sweden7300009049462
Dustin Denmark5790000833276

MMandatoryCurrencyCurrency in ISO-4217 Code.EUR / USD / GBP etc.
NMandatoryPriceNet Purchase Price, excl. VAT. The decimal separator is detected automatically.

OMandatoryStockStock position. Real stock or Boolean numeric values are allowed.

152 as real value



0(=no stock)

POptionalOn orderNumber of Units on Order at Supplier/Factory

QOptionalDate stockExpected Availability Date Ordered Units at Supplier/factory. The date format is recognized automatically.






dd MM yyyy…

ROptionalMOQMinimum Order Quantity

SOptionalUOMUnit Of MeasurementPiece, Blister
TOptionalUOM qtyUnit Of Measurement Quantity, Number of Units in UOM

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