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Onetrail TPN™ processes all kinds of product related information like:

  1. Logistic product data from Sellers
  2. Stock and pricing data from Sellers
  3. Vendor product data from vendors / manufacturers
  4. Rich content product data from third party data providers like CNET, ICEcat, TopData, etc.

The different sources provide the data to Onetrail TPN™ frequently, after which it is stored and distributed with the Product Data Exchange (PDE) and indexed in the Product Data Index (PDI).





The Product Data Index is a kind of yellow pages for product information. It holds for each product in the market a unique PDI number with a UNSPSC code and brand. Attached to the PDI number is the Seller data. Each product delivered by a Seller will be connected to PDI or put on the "hold list" which is frequently communicated with the concerning Sellers. Almost 99% of the new products are managed within 24 hours; updates on existing products are processed automatically and delivered directly.

Background information Product Data Index update, May 2020

Here you find all details on how [ Onetrail improves Product Data Index by adding GTIN]

And the technical details on What is a GTIN?

Seller product & pricing data

Most of the Sellers deliver a daily product feed to Onetrail TPN™. With this product feed Onetrail maintains the Seller links in PDI. This is a semi-automated process with human control (no product is fed into PDI without a person approving it). Besides the product feed, the Seller delivers a daily price feed per customer. This determines the assortment and net pricing for the Buyer. So, only the products listed in the price feed will be sent to/retrieved by the Buyer and can be viewed in the Product Guide by the Buyer.

Seller stock data

Stock from a Seller will change during the day. Changes in stock are not marked as 'mutation' in the product feed. Onetrail can offer hourly updated stock files, available for download from our FTP server. The Stock file is formatted as a semicolon separated flat file with 5 fields.

Seller GLNSKU (Seller Part Number)Manufacturer/PDI numberStockKeyAssortment

stock fields

Third party data

Onetrail TPN™ has third party data available from multiple sources. This data can be used to enrich your logistic data with specifications and pictures. Resellers can display this content on their website, allowing customers to search more precise for the product they require. Third party data can also be used to search for compatible or complementary products.

Timing & frequency

Onetrail TPN™ will process the input data from Sellers and third party providers according to a schedule. As soon as the data is processed, the Buyer's output will be generated. The result is that the Buyer will receive the data per Seller / on a third party provider bases. In one product file, there will be data from one source at a time.

File size

In order to avoid large output files that cannot be parsed in memory, Internet hiccups while retrieving the file, Onetrail TPN™ will split the output files into chunks of XX records per file. The XX depends very much on the source and the output file size. The output file size is determined by Onetrail TPN™.

Tips and tricks


Onetrail TPN™ provides "deltas" during the week and a full product output in the weekend. The delta output holds changed products and prices for Sellers and third party information. The full output only applies for Sellers and not for third party providers. By using the full output in the weekend, one can re-synchronize fully with Onetrail TPN™, except for the obsolete products. We suggest to maintain a timestamp on each product change and to check, for example in the weekend after processing the full output for each Seller, this timestamp on all products. If the product is unchanged for a period longer than one or two week(s), then the product could be marked as obsolete. This timestamp check for obsolete products should only be performed after processing the full output for the specific Seller, otherwise to many products are marked as obsolete when Seller data is not processed fully in the weekend.



In the Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Index (PDI) product specifications are combined and standardized from multiple sources (manufacturers, distributors, content providers etc.).
Onetrail also classifies all products in a generic way based on the UNSPSC classification. Onetrail has selected a subset of 2.700 product groups for the ICT market, approximately 1.300 of which are in use at this moment.
You can use this extensive functionality to search for specific products.


UNSPSC is the acronym for the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code; it is a coding system to classify both products and services for use in the eCommerce. The UNSPSC was jointly developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Dun & Bradstreet Corporation in 1998 and is currently managed by GS1 US.
Onetrail support multiple versions of UNSPSC: v6 and v11.
The latest list of available UNSPSC codes is available for download at this location
UNSPSC can be used to categorize, filter products or used for a tree map (search).


Brands transcend their origins and create strong, enduring relationships with consumers across countries and cultures.
Brands are defined as brands sold to international markets. These brands are used to sell the same product across multiple markets, and could be considered successful to the extent that the associated products are easily recognizable by the diverse set of consumers.
Onetrail normalize the brands, allowing products from different providers using the same brands.
The latest list of available brands is available for download at this location

Onetrail Product Groups

Onetrail provides also a small set of product groups, in which all products are placed.
This small subset can be used for filters, categorizing the products or used as financial product groups.
There are 2 versions of Onetrail Product Groups available for Onetrail customers.
The latest lists of available Onetrail Product Groups is available for download at this location


The Global Location Number (GLN) is part of the GS1 systems of standards.
The GS1 Identification Key is used to identify physical locations or legal entities. The key comprises a GS1 Company Prefix, Location Reference, and Check Digit.
Location identified with GLN could be a physical location such as a warehouse or a legal entity such as a company or customer
Onetrail uses GLN codes to identify (all) parties, including Warehouses, Buyers, Sellers and Manufacturers.


A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention, which is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity.


A value added tax (VAT) is a form of consumption tax. It is a tax on the estimated market value added to a product or material at each stage of its manufacture or distribution, ultimately passed on to the consumer.


Please refer to this hyperlink Documentations PRD 3.1 for the schema documentation.

The Product Information is provided by using one schema: the PRD XSD. However, each type of information will be delivered separately in a XML that complies with the PRD schema. The following product information types are available:

  • SEL: Contains the Seller product data including PDI data. This file contains a maximum of 501 articles.
  • PDI: Contains the product data management, it holds the PDI number with the associated Seller and rich content provider links.
  • RIC: Contains the rich content product information provided by 3rd party rich content providers like CNET, ICEcat and TopData. This file contains a maximum of 25 articles.
  • STC: Contains stock information from the Sellers including the PDI data.

The 3 digit abbreviation (GlobalProcessCode) is used in the SOAP receive web service to determine the product information type you want to receive.

'''SEL '''
The syntax description for Seller product data: sellerInfoType

'''PDI '''
The syntax description for PDI: productDataIndexType

'''RIC '''
The syntax description for the rich content data: thirdPartyInfoType

'''STC '''
The syntax description for stock data: stockInfoType


The format of the messages is XML version 1.0. The encoding must be UTF-8.


Please refer to the communication page: Onetrail TPN™ Communication

Onetrail TPN™ Buyer PDE: Stock Data Download CSV and XML


As an alternative to, or on top of the Real time Price & Availability service, Onetrail can deliver hourly stock files to Buyers.


During business hours, Onetrail generates the hourly stock files for all connected Sellers. It can be that some Sellers are not updating their stock on an hourly base. The stock file will contain all products from the Seller, also products where the buyer do not receive prices for. Every hour the previous file is replaced by the new full file.

  • CSV: All products are added into one CSV per (contracted) Seller
  • XML: There will be multiple XML files like with regular Product Data.


The table below shows the field definitions for the hourly CSV stock files





GLN Seller

The GLN for the Seller



Vendor Part Number



Internal product number of Seller



Quantity on stock

can be negative



Additional info

The additional info might be filled when there's for example 48hrs. delivery time.
Like in case stock resides in another (European) warehouse.
The field is text formatted. We deliver what the supplier delivers to Onetrail either code or text.


  • For XML Stockfile definition see left side bar for the PRD schema documentation.

The generated stock PRD files contain all PDI information. Seller specific information (SellerInfo) will contain ProductIdentifiers of Type "Seller" and "Manufacturer". If available for the specific Seller, the EAN ProductIdentifier will also be available.

Within the SellerInfo the Seller specific StockInfo can be found. This will contain the different Warehouses from the Seller if available, each with the Stock quantity and the name of the warehouse. When the Seller does not provide warehouse specific information, Stock quantity will be filled with the quantity as provided by the Seller hourly. In that case, the name of the Warehouse will have the default value "lookup123".


The format for the stock file is either XML or Comma Separated Values. The records separator is <CR/LF> and the field separator is: , (comma).


The stock files are stored on the Onetrail FTP server. To enable connectivity to the Onetrail FTP server, Onetrail requires your external “STATIC” IP address. Onetrail will provide you the necessary login settings.
*The PRD XML stock information can be send to you via all communication methods provided by Onetrail. Different communication methods need different configuration settings, so for your preferred connection method, contact Onetrail.

FTP server

Please refer to Communication FTP Server for more details.

File naming convention

File TypeFile NameExample

Onetrail TPN™ PDE: Real Time Price and Availibility Update

For WUS description and XSD please go to Onetrail TPN™ Buyer Web Services

  • Remark: The reply is based upon PRD version 2.0 output!
  • Only Available via our UDDI!

For P&A REST technical Request description please go to Onetrail TPN™ REST Communication


Price and Availability is a real-time process between the Buyer and the Seller. The Buyer requests price and stock information for one or multiple items at one or multiple Sellers. Onetrail translates these requests to the Seller format and requests these items at the Seller. The response is formatted to the Onetrail standard and returned.
If a Seller does not support Real time Price and Availability, Onetrail will use the latest price received from this Seller and the hourly updated stock from the Seller.





The partners used in the Price and Availabilities' request and response are referenced by Global Location Numbers (formerly known as EAN address codes). These codes can be supplied by Onetrail unless one is already having GLN's. The productIdentifiers must be Manufacturer (PDI) product identifiers.


In general, the fromRole identifies the sender of the message, for this request, the fromRole identifies the Buyer.

                    <FreeFormText lang="EN">Purchase Department</FreeFormText>
                    <GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode>
                        <FreeFormText lang="EN">Test Buyer</FreeFormText>


The authentication part is used to authenticate the GLN BusinessIdentifier used in the fromRole.



The Request can consist of multiple products. Keep in mind, the timeout logic of 10 seconds is used per product. If responses from the Sellers are slow, multiple requests can slow down the eventual response.
Multiple Sellers can be requested for each product.

         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<Product id="ITEMA">
               <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<Product id="ITEMB">
               <!--1 or more repetitions:-->


This is a reference format of the dateTimeStamp is 'YYYYMMDDThhmmss'.



The response is identical to the Product information 2.0 output with product and Seller information. Onetrail TPN™ adds two additional fields, only for Price and Availability.

<remarks lang="EN">RealTime Response</remarks>

Status codes

  • 000E: OK
  • 501E: Item number(s) unknown
  • 502E: Not authorized
  • 506E: Format or syntax error: %s.
  • 599E: Unclassified error: %s. Onetrail will fix the problem with the supplier.

Remark: Besides the above explained status codes and when the requested product ID is not registered in the Onetrail TPN™ - PDI database;

  • The tags "brand", "productIdentifier type="Onetrail"" and "productGroup" will contain the value "UNKNOWN".
  • The tag "productClassificationCode" will contain the value "99999999"
  • The tag "textualDescription PartnerID="8714253023809"" will contain the value "ITEM NOT FOUND"

Some XML Tags/blocks explained more closely

  • ProductID tag: Requested (Onetrail TPN™ - PDI) Product ID
  • productInfo block: All information found in this XML block is filled with Onetrail categorization and classification. on PDI level.
    • brand tag: Brandname/code by Onetrail TPN™ - PDM assigned (Not Vendorname!)

Remark:i.e. Onetrail TPN™ - PDM uses "HP" and not "Hewlett Packard Ltd." or "Hewlett Packard B.V."

  • sellerInfo PartnerID tag: GLN Requested Seller.
    • All information found in this XML block is filled with Seller categorization, classification, pricing, stock etc.
  • productIdentifiers block: Specifying supported Product ID's by the Seller.
    • productIdentifier type="Seller": Seller Internal Product ID (SKU)
    • productIdentifier type="EAN": European Article Number / GTIN
    • productIdentifier type="Manufacturer": Manufacturer / OEM Part Number
    • productIdentifier type="Buyer": Buyer internal Product ID (Not always supported at Seller)
    • brand tag: Brandname/code or Vendorname/code at Seller
      • i.e. could contain "HP" or "Hewlett Packard Ltd." or "Hewlett Packard B.V." depending on the Seller
    • ATPDate: Expected date of arrival of onOrder quantity at the warehouse of the Seller
    • onOrder: Number of products on order at the seller
    • stock: Number of products available (free stock)
  • StatusCode tag: OK code or Error code (See below table for values)
  • AdditionalInformation tag: Contains the corresponding status text (See below table for values)
  • If there's no value supplied by the Seller, "-" will be returned in the empty field.

Please find below an example for a full response:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:ProductCatalog xmlns:ns2="OTPRD">
         <ns2:destinationInfo PartnerID="8714253023236">
            <ns2:partnerName>Test Buyer</ns2:partnerName>
         <ns2:product productID="ITEMA">
               <ns2:textualDescription>HP - TONER CARTRIDGE - 1 X CYAN - 7500 PAGES</ns2:textualDescription>
            <ns2:sellerInfo PartnerID="8714123456789">
                  <ns2:productIdentifier type="Seller">94387M56YP1</ns2:productIdentifier>
                  <ns2:productIdentifier type="EAN">882780599901</ns2:productIdentifier>
                  <ns2:productIdentifier type="Manufacturer">CB401A</ns2:productIdentifier>
               <ns2:shortDescription lang="EN">HP TONER CARTRIDGE CYAN F/ CLJ CP4005 7500PGS</ns2:shortDescription>
               <ns2:productPrice type="netPrice">
                  <ns2:price currency="GBP">199.87</ns2:price>
               <ns2:remarks lang="EN">RealTime Response</ns2:remarks>
            <ns2:sellerInfo PartnerID="8714123456888">
                  <ns2:productIdentifier type="Seller">128HTR1675</ns2:productIdentifier>
                  <ns2:productIdentifier type="EAN">882780599901</ns2:productIdentifier>
                  <ns2:productIdentifier type="Manufacturer">CB401A</ns2:productIdentifier>
               <ns2:brand>HP SUPPL TONER</ns2:brand>
               <ns2:productClassificationCode>Supplies | Laser Supplies</ns2:productClassificationCode>
               <ns2:shortDescription lang="EN">HP - Toner cartridge - 1 x cyan - 7500 pages</ns2:shortDescription>
               <ns2:productPrice type="netPrice">
                  <ns2:price currency="GBP">189.08</ns2:price>
               <ns2:remarks lang="EN">RealTime Response</ns2:remarks>

Format & Syntax

The format of the standard Onetrail XML messages is XML version 2.0. The encoding must be UTF-8.


Please refer to the communication page: Onetrail TPN™ Communication

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