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Order Exchange

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Product Exchange

Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Services

Trading between Business Partners in a Supply Chain begins with Product Data. The Buyer needs to get access to all available product informations of their Suppliers (Basic article content, stock information, purchase prices etc.). Almost all Suppliers are able to deliver their Product Information electronically. However, all Suppliers are having their own structure, format etc.. To help the Seller and the Buyer, Onetrail TPN™ has created a Product Data Store for the Verticals ICT, Mobile&Business Telecom, Consumer Electronics and Domestic Appliences, Supplies&Office Products.

Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store

Our Product Data Management (PDM) activities cleans, normalize and structure the incoming product data, which results in an up-to-date database with all products available in the Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store. Onetrail TPN™ PDM experts monitor the content throughout the day to ensure the data quality. The following core tasks are executed by the Onetrail TPN™ PDM processes:
*Identification: Generating unique identifiers for products, brands and suppliers. Onetrail TPN™ uses the original MFPN/manufacturer part number as the key and ensures individual Seller (Supplier) data is linked to this code. This way you can build a reliable structure within your own system so that both the product and all Sellers (suppliers) delivering the product are visible at a glance.
*Classification: Generating normalized classification of products to support searching and reporting processes. As a basis Onetrail TPN™ maintains UN/SPSC (Onetrail TPN™ UNSPSC Overview) as well as a more basic classification method for financial reporting purposes named the Onetrail TPN™ Product Groups (Onetrail TPN™ Product Groups).

  • Normalisation:

Suppliers are using different names for equal Brands. To be sure that you can always receive the same Brand name, Onetrail TPN™ is Normalising the Brand name on Index level (Onetrail TPN™ Brands Overview).

Onetrail TPN™ Product Guide

The Onetrail TPN™ Product Guide provides easy online access to the Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store (PDS).

Available Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Services For Buyers

Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Exchange

  • [[Product_Information_Buyer |

Receive Product Data in your own Format]] Clean, normalized and structured product data is available in the Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store, which can be downloaded in One Single Format, the one you feel works best. Our standard process generates updates with all changes during the week. Once a week we provide a full file to make sure you stay in sync. Product Data via Onetrail TPN™ is delivered including your net purchase prices from the various Sellers (distributors) you've a relationship with (Onetrail TPN™ Product Content Download for Buyers).
*Stock Information Stock updates can be delivered on an hourly basis with a complete nightly update. For real-time stock information, please refer to the chapter: "Onetrail TPN™ Price and Availability", on this page. By using the Seller Stock overview you know the frequency of Stock data delivery per Seller (Onetrail TPN™ Stock Data Download for Buyers).
*Levies & Taxes Daily business processes consist out of commercial activities. These commercial activities can result in profits. When profits are made a compulsory contribution is often made to state revenue, levied by the government on business profits, or added to the cost of goods, services, and transactions, i.e. taxes. Onetrail TPN™ supports different types of levies and taxes in the electronic exchange of messages. In Levies you find information about which levies are supported by Onetrail TPN™.
*VAT reverse charge (BTW Verlegd) If you're only doing business in The Netherlands and you trade in mobile phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles and chips than “BTW verlegd” is a must-read. This section contains information about the Dutch reverse charge tax regulations (Onetrail TPN™ BTW Verlegd Information).
*VAT Codes If you're doing business with international Trading Partners then you don't want to skip VAT Codes. The VAT overview contain information about the value added tax (VAT) codes per country supported by Onetrail TPN™.
* Dutch Private Copying Regulations (Thuiskopieheffing) If you trade in PCs, smartphones, MP3 players etc. in The Netherlands then Thuiskopieheffing may be applicable. This section contains information about the Dutch private copying levies and which products are taxed (Onetrail TPN™ Thuiskopieheffing Information).

Onetrail TPN™ Price and Availability
Stock levels may change every second. Correct and up-to-date information on stock levels available at your Sellers (suppliers) is key to eliminate defects from the sales and purchasing processes.
The Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Services includes a real-time check on both stock and purchase price, so that your employees and processes can rely on the correct information.

Rich Content: CNET Content Solutions
The Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Services include all basic product data like product codes, short- and long description, classification etc.. In order to enrich this data with commercial product information, for example to support online sales (e.g. web shop), Onetrail established a partnership with content providers like CNET Content Solutions, delivering this information in harmonized format. From pictures to commercial text, product specifications, up- and cross-sell information to related item data.

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Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Services

Trading between Business Partners in a Supply Chain begins with Product Data. The Buyer needs to get access to all available product informations of their Suppliers (Basic article content, stock information, purchase prices etc.). Almost all Suppliers are able to deliver their Product Information electronically. However, all Suppliers are having their own structure, format etc.. To help the Seller and the Buyer, Onetrail TPN™ has created a Product Data Store for the Verticals ICT, Mobile&Business Telecom, Consumer Electronics and Domestic Appliences, Supplies&Office Products.

Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store

Our Product Data Management (PDM) activities cleans, normalize and structure the incoming product data, which results in an up-to-date database with all products available in the Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store. Onetrail TPN™ PDM experts monitor the content throughout the day to ensure the data quality. The following core tasks are executed by the Onetrail TPN™ PDM processes:
*Identification: Generating unique identifiers for products, brands and suppliers. Onetrail TPN™ uses the original MFPN/manufacturer part number as the key and ensures individual Seller (Supplier) data is linked to this code. This way you can build a reliable structure within your own system so that both the product and all Sellers (suppliers) delivering the product are visible at a glance.
*Classification: Generating normalized classification of products to support searching and reporting processes. As a basis Onetrail TPN™ maintains UN/SPSC (Onetrail TPN™ UNSPSC Overview) as well as a more basic classification method for financial reporting purposes named the Onetrail TPN™ Product Groups (Onetrail TPN™ Product Groups).

  • Normalisation:

Suppliers are using different names for equal Brands. To be sure that you can always receive the same Brand name, Onetrail TPN™ is Normalising the Brand name on Index level (Onetrail TPN™ Brands Overview).

Onetrail TPN™ Product Guide

The Onetrail TPN™ Product Guide provides easy online access to the Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store (PDS).

Available Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Services For Buyers

Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Exchange

  • [[Product_Information_Buyer |

Receive Product Data in your own Format]] Clean, normalized and structured product data is available in the Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store, which can be downloaded in One Single Format, the one you feel works best. Our standard process generates updates with all changes during the week. Once a week we provide a full file to make sure you stay in sync. Product Data via Onetrail TPN™ is delivered including your net purchase prices from the various Sellers (distributors) you've a relationship with (Onetrail TPN™ Product Content Download for Buyers).
*Stock Information Stock updates can be delivered on an hourly basis with a complete nightly update. For real-time stock information, please refer to the chapter: "Onetrail TPN™ Price and Availability", on this page. By using the Seller Stock overview you know the frequency of Stock data delivery per Seller (Onetrail TPN™ Stock Data Download for Buyers).
*Levies & Taxes Daily business processes consist out of commercial activities. These commercial activities can result in profits. When profits are made a compulsory contribution is often made to state revenue, levied by the government on business profits, or added to the cost of goods, services, and transactions, i.e. taxes. Onetrail TPN™ supports different types of levies and taxes in the electronic exchange of messages. In Levies you find information about which levies are supported by Onetrail TPN™.
*VAT reverse charge (BTW Verlegd) If you're only doing business in The Netherlands and you trade in mobile phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles and chips than “BTW verlegd” is a must-read. This section contains information about the Dutch reverse charge tax regulations (Onetrail TPN™ BTW Verlegd Information).
*VAT Codes If you're doing business with international Trading Partners then you don't want to skip VAT Codes. The VAT overview contain information about the value added tax (VAT) codes per country supported by Onetrail TPN™.
* Dutch Private Copying Regulations (Thuiskopieheffing) If you trade in PCs, smartphones, MP3 players etc. in The Netherlands then Thuiskopieheffing may be applicable. This section contains information about the Dutch private copying levies and which products are taxed (Onetrail TPN™ Thuiskopieheffing Information).

Onetrail TPN™ Price and Availability
Stock levels may change every second. Correct and up-to-date information on stock levels available at your Sellers (suppliers) is key to eliminate defects from the sales and purchasing processes.
The Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Services includes a real-time check on both stock and purchase price, so that your employees and processes can rely on the correct information.

Rich Content: CNET Content Solutions
The Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Services include all basic product data like product codes, short- and long description, classification etc.. In order to enrich this data with commercial product information, for example to support online sales (e.g. web shop), Onetrail established a partnership with content providers like CNET Content Solutions, delivering this information in harmonized format. From pictures to commercial text, product specifications, up- and cross-sell information to related item data.

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Onetrail TPN™ Order Data Services

The Onetrail TPN™ Order Data Services contains all order related messages between Buyers and Sellers. The order process starts with the Buyer sending a Purchase Order to the Seller. Based on this Purchase Order Onetrail TPN™ supports the Seller to send (multiple) Order Status (Update)-, Despatch Advice- and Invoice Messages.

  • Onetrail TPN™ Message Store

All messages processed through Onetrail TPN™ are exchanged, translated, normalized, routed and stored in a continuous process in the Onetrail TPN™ Message Store. Each message is translated into a universal Onetrail TPN™ format and then converted into the format of the receiving party. In the Onetrail TPN™ Message Data Store the messages are shown in the original format, the Onetrail TPN™ standard and the output format. Now you can easily keep a grip on the entire process.

The Onetrail TPN™ Message Guide enables you to understand how Onetrail TPN™ processes messages, including the translations. The Onetrail TPN™ Message Guide is a solution, which you can use alongside your ERP system to provide control on what is happening within Onetrail TPN™. As a result, Onetrail TPN™ makes its messaging service completely visible and transparent.

Onetrail TPN™ Order Data Exchange

The following order related messaging services are available:

The Order send by the Buyer to the Sellers starts the ordering process. Onetrail TPN™ ensures that the (purchase) order generated by the Buyer’s system is translated and transformed such that the Seller can automatically process the (sales) order in their system. Onetrail TPN™ is able to use the Onetrail TPN™ Product Data Store to verify the product codes used prior to the order entering the Seller’s back office. Onetrail TPN™ ensures that all orders for/from all Trading Partners are exchanged in exactly the same way, so that your system only requires One Connection, One Mapping and One Service Level.

After delivering the Order to the Seller, Onetrail TPN™ confirms the successful delivery by sending the Acknowledgement or Non Acknowledgement if not.

The Order Status is produced by the Seller to inform the Buyer of processing details (e.g. order number, prices, expected delivery dates etc.) and potential exceptions (e.g. back order info etc.). The Buyer is now able to manage the order from within their own order management application for all Sellers. Order Status Messages are sent every time something changes in the order.

Once the Seller ships the goods, a Despatch Advice, also referred to as Shipping Notice, is generated and sent to the Buyers’ system, whom can then prepare to receive the goods. Especially when goods are directly shipped to the Buyers’ customer. The Despatch Advice is the only way in which to inform the Buyers’ order process about the shipment’s content and if the shipment is in transit. If the Seller scan serial numbers; these numbers will be included and delivered for processing to the Buyers’ system. Also the track and trace key along with the Transporter can be provided.

At the end of the order process is the Invoice. The Seller sends this message to Onetrail TPN™ where the message is translated and transformed, in such a way, that it can be directly processed by the Buyers’ system. All Invoices from all Trading Partners will be transformed by Onetrail TPN™ such that they can be processed in exactly the same way.
*The Onetrail TPN™ ICM software The Onetrail TPN™ Connect ICM software consists out of two parts: the Applet and the Client. The Onetrail TPN™ Connect ICM Applet is accessed via the web browser. The Applet provides a user interface which allows users to manual send ICM Orders, receive ICB Order Confirmations and ICF Invoices. The Onetrail TPN™ Connect ICM Client enables organizations to automate their ICM order process. The Buyer is free to choose which option is most suitable. For more information about the Applet and the Client, please download the Dutch user manual Onetrail TPN™ Connect ICM.

Supported Processes Per Order Message

In the Order Messages various processes are supported by Onetrail TPN™. On the pages Supported Processes we describe the availability of each individual Onetrail TPN™ supported process per Message:

  • Supported Onetrail TPN™ Processes in the Order
  • Supported Onetrail TPN™ Processes in the Order Response
  • Supported Onetrail TPN™ Processes in the Despatch Advice
  • Supported Onetrail TPN™ Processes in the Invoice