Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


On this page:

Table of Contents
include.*Introduction|.*Supported processes by Onetrail TPN™ in the Invoice Message



An invoice or bill (hereinafter called Invoice) is a commercial document issued by a Seller to the Buyer, indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the Seller has provided the Buyer. An Invoice indicates the Buyer must pay the Seller, according to the payment terms. The Buyer has a maximum amount of days to pay these goods and are sometimes offered a discount if paid before. A credit invoice or credit bill is a correction to a previous related Invoice.


The Invoice is submitted by the Seller to Onetrail TPN™. Onetrail TPN™ converts the Seller specific format to the Onetrail TPN™ INV format. The Invoices are made available for the Buyer for their specific request method.

In case Onetrail TPN™ cannot process the Invoice, Onetrail support will be notified of the error and will fix it.

Process management

Once the Invoice is technically accepted by Onetrail TPN™, a time-alert is started with the process monitor. If the Invoice is processed correctly to the Onetrail INV format, the Invoice is sent to the Buyer specific output and the time-alert is removed. If the time-alert is not removed within the specified time frame, the process monitor will generate an exception and the Onetrail TPN™ support department will take appropriate actions.

For more detailed information about supported invoice processes we refer to : invoice processesthe second section on this page.


The companies and addresses used in the Invoice are referenced by Global Location Numbers (formerly known as EAN/ILN address codes). These codes can be supplied by Onetrail unless your company already has GLN's numbers. These given GLN's can only be used to communicate with Onetrail.

The following GLN's are relevant to the Order Request:

  • To identify the Buyer: XML: fromRole EDIFACT: UNB020, S002, 0004
  • To identify the Seller: XML: toRole EDIFACT: UNB030, S003, 0010
  • Where the goods are shipped to in case of Warehouse Shipment: XML: ShipTo EDIFACT: NAD+ST
  • Where the Invoice needs to be send to: XML: BillTo EDIFACT: NAD+IV

For more details about standardized content we refer to: content

Format & Syntax

The format of the standard Onetrail XML messages is XML version 1.0. The encoding must be UTF-8.

Please refer to our Invoice XSD Documentation for default values, multiplicity of elements, attributes, business rules and an overview for mapping design purposes.

Besides XML Onetrail also supports a standard Edifact D96A Invoic, besides a lot of other industry standard. For more information about supported standards we refer to:
Format & Syntax
Edifact Invoice documentation


The format of the messages is XML version 1.0. The encoding must be UTF-8.


Besides web services for both SOAP and REST, Onetrail also supports HTTPS, FTP, AS2 and other communication protocols. For more information about supported communication protocols we refer to: Onetrail TPN™ Communication





Table of Contents
exclude.*Process|.*Content|.*Format & Syntax|.*Format|.*Communcation|.*Examples

Supported processes by Onetrail TPN™ in the Invoice Message

In this section we will describe the various supported processes in the Invoice message. More information about the technical details of the Invoice Message are stated in the sections Invoice Message and Edifact Invoice. The availability of each individual Onetrail TPN™ supported process for each Seller may vary dependent on their capabilities as displayed in table Overview Supported Processes Invoice Message. Each process is described in the subsections below. For more information about which Seller supports which process in the Invoice Message, please contact our TPN Delivery Team by phone at +31 30 697 32 88 or by e-mail

Retrieve / Receive Schedule

Onetrail agreed with each Seller when to provide the Invoices (i.e. Time of Delivery, Schedule of Delivery, Schedule to Retrieve, Receive). The Buyer is able to Retrieve, Receive these Invoices through Onetrail TPN™ based on the Sellers' Schedule(s).

Credit and Debit Invoices

Onetrail supports Credit and Debit Invoices. The Seller can send both Invoice types to their connected Buyers via Onetrail TPN™. The amounts and quantities are always positive numbers. No negative numbers are used within the Onetrail TPN™ format. The overview below describes how to deal with the different scenarios:

Invoicing Scenarios

Unit Amount Type

Line Amount Type

Tax Amount Type

Price Correction Negative




Price Correction Positive




Items Returned




Insufficient Items Invoiced




Too Much Discount Invoiced




Insufficient Charges Invoiced




Supported Price Influences on Header Level and Line Level

Different price influences/additions (i.e. Discounts, Levies, etc.) on Header Level and Line Level are supported in the Invoice Message by Onetrail TPN™.

For examples:

  • Tax related Levies
  • Extra Discounts
  • Extra Costs

Charges/Levies/Discounts, Header vs. Lines

Charges, levies and discounts can be applied either on line level or on header level. Provide a charge, levy or discount amount only on the correct level; e.g. when a single shipping charge is provided in header level as well as line level, they will be added up in the summary as two different charges. Levies are defined per country, see Levies page for details.(Levies has not been moved to Docs yet)

How to Handle Charges

Header charges are charges that are calculated on the total invoice amount, before taxes are applied.
Line charges only apply to one invoice line before adding VAT. Charges (types: ‘Handling’ or ‘Freight’) or with different percentages or even debit/credit charges, can be added in several ‘Charge’ elements, explaining the reason and applying the appropriate VAT value.

XML usage:

Variable values
<charge type="Handling" (or "Freight"</b/>) origcode="packing" (value as sent by Seller)>
All charges on line level can be totaled by using the line level amounts.

XML usage: 

Variable values
<monetaryAmount amountTypeCode="Debit" currency="EUR" type="Charges">
All charges on header level can be totaled by using the amount summary.

XML usage:

Variable values
<monetaryAmount amountTypeCode="Debit" currency="EUR" type="TotalCharges">

How to Handle Levies

Levies are special charges like specific taxes dictated by governments or like environmental taxes agreed upon by trade partners. They can be provided on header level although at line level is more common, as these are usually product-related. Implementation on the Invoice is as similar as charges.

XML usage:

Variable values
<levy origcode="UHG" type="NL UHG">
All levies on line level can be totaled by using the line level amounts.

XML usage:

Variable values
<monetaryAmount amountTypeCode="Debit" currency="EUR" type="Levies">
All levies on header level can be totaled by using the amount summary.

XML usage:

Variable values
<monetaryAmount amountTypeCode="Debit" currency="EUR" type="TotalLevies">

How to Handle Discounts

Discounts can be applied at line or header level, in different categories or with different percentages. Like levies and charges, they can be provided in several ‘Discount’ elements, explaining the reason and applying the appropriate tax value. Payment terms differ as these can provide a discount under certain conditions.

XML usage:

Variable values
<discount type="Customer" origcode="Loyalty">
All discounts on line level can be totaled by using the line level amounts.

XML usage:

Variable values
<monetaryAmount amountTypeCode="Credit" currency="EUR" type="Discounts">
All discounts on header level can be totaled by using the amount summary.

XML usage:

Variable values
<monetaryAmount amountTypeCode="Credit" currency="EUR" type="TotalDiscounts">

Purchase Order Line Numbers

The Buyer can use the Purchase Order Line Number to match the Invoice Line Numbers with the Line Numbers used in the Purchase Order. There can be several reasons why no Buyer Line Numbers are stated in the Invoice Message. For example, it might be that the Lines are edited manually, the Purchase Order was booked manually or Credit/Debit Invoices were booked manually, subsequently, as a result in most ERP systems no Buyer Line Numbers can be (manually) added in the Credit/Debit Invoices.
Remark: Not all Seller ERP systems support Buyer line numbers!

XML usage:

Variable values
<lineNumber type="Buyer" or "Invoice" or "DesAdv" or ...>

References to other messages

It's highly recommended to have as many references to other messages or documents as possible to make the processing easier.

XML usage:

Variable values
<orderIdentification type='types':

  • "DesAdv" Reference to delivery.
  • "Buyer" Reference to Buyer's Order number(PO)
  • "Invoice" Reference to Invoice number
  • "Seller" Reference to Seller's Order Number(SO)

Invoice Amounts on Header (summary) level

There are several amount types available via Onetrail TPN™ XML to distinguish different total pricing.

XML usage:

Variable values
<monetaryAmount amountTypeCode="Debit" type='types':
*"TotalItems" Total of the Line amounts.

  • "TotalCharges" Total of all charges (lines + header)
  • "TotalDiscounts" Total of all discounts (lines + header)
  • "TotalLevies" Total of all levies (lines + header)
  • "NetTotal" TotalItems + TotalCharges + TotalLevies – TotalDiscounts.
  • "TotalTaxes" Total of the taxSummary amounts.
  • "EndTotal" NetTotal + TotalTaxes (amount to be paid, mandatory)

Invoice Amounts on line level

There are several amount types available via Onetrail TPN™ XML to distinguish different pricing.

XML usage:

Fixed values
<monetaryAmount type="Unit" Singel unit price (mandatory) as defined under "unitOfMeasurement"

Variable values
<monetaryAmount type='types':
*"Line" Line amount: Unit amount * InvoicedQuantity

  • "Charges" Charges applied to the Line amount
  • "Levies" Levies applied to the Line amount
  • "Discounts" Discounts applied to the Line amount
  • "LineTotal" Line amount + Charges + Levies – Discounts
  • "Taxes" Value added tax applied to the LineTotal amount

VAT Codes

The VAT Codes are mandatory on the Buyer’s Purchase Invoice. Onetrail TPN™ makes it possible for Sellers to include VAT Codes in the Invoice Message. When the Seller is not able to include the VAT Codes in the Invoice Message Onetrail TPN™ can by adding default values based upon rules given by the respective Seller or Buyer. VAT is also referred to as Tax. Header taxes are typically VAT (e.g. type=”NationalTax”) with different tariffs, that apply to the entire transaction. Should you combine goods in different VAT tariffs in one invoice, then the amount for each VAT tariff must be given separately, as well as the code and the percentage. All goods have a VAT tariff, so even if 0% applies to the entire invoice, this tariff must be provided. To see which tariffs are possible and the right Onetrail TPN™ enumeration, please check this page: VAT code page (VAT page not added yet)

XML usage:

Variable values
<discount type="Customer" origcode="Loyalty">
All taxes on line level can be specified.

XML usage:

Variable values
<tax origrate="0" rate="ZERO" type="NationalTax">
All taxes on line level can be totaled by using the line level amounts.

 XML usage:

Variable values
<monetaryAmount type="Taxes" currency="EUR" amountTypeCode="Debit">
All taxes on header level can be specified in the summary.

XML usage:

Variable values
<tax origrate="0" rate="ZERO" type="NationalTax">
All taxes on header level can be totaled by using the amount summary.

XML usage:

Variable values
<monetaryAmount amountTypeCode="Debit" currency="EUR" type="TotalTaxes">

Supported Product Codes in the Invoice Message

Onetrail TPN™ supports different product codes in the Invoice Message of the Seller:

  • Seller Product Codes: Stock Keeping Unit number (SKU).
  • Manufacturers / Vendor Product Codes: Manufacturer Part Number (MFPN) / Vendor Part Number (VPN)
  • GTIN / EAN Product Codes: Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) / European Article Number (EAN) (a.k.a. International Article Number) a unique product code supplied by GS1.
  • Buyer codes: Buyers own product code.

Payment Terms and Payment Terms

Payment Terms and Payment Due Date are supported by Onetrail TPN™ in the Invoice Message. Onetrail TPN™ supports the calculation of the Payment Due Date in the Seller’s Invoice by using the Invoice Date and Payment Day(s). Onetrail TPN™ supports this process even if the Seller is not able to provide these values.

Shipment Terms

The Seller’s Shipment Terms are supported by Onetrail TPN™ in the Invoice Message.

VAT Reverse Charge (NL Only)

Onetrail TPN™ supports VAT Reverse Charge in the Invoice Message. For now this process is only supported in The Netherlands.